3740 Carnegie Ave., Ste B200, Cleveland, OH 44115 | 1-888-644-6266 OR 216-426-0646


Injured Workers ID Card

Right to choose service providers and to choose to participate in the treatment plan prescribed. The Medical Case Manager will assist you to find a qualified Physician of Record (POR) from the BWC list of certified providers. If you decline to participate, the Medical Case Manager will discuss the implications of this decision.

Right to have input into the care plan. When you are admitted to Case Management Services, the Medical Case Manager will discuss with you an appropriate care plan and ask for your suggestions. If you would like a copy of your plan of care, please contact your Medical Case Manager.

Right to refuse treatment or services. The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) mandates case management for certain types of claims. If you decline the treatment or services, the Medical Case Manager will explain the potential financial implications of this decision. You may request a change in Medical Case Manager if you are uncomfortable with the person assigned.

Right to receive notification and a rationale when Case Management Services are changed or terminated. Your Medical Case Manager will inform you by letter when medical treatment is authorized or denied. If treatment is denied, the letter will include the rationale for the decision and instructions on how to appeal. You have a right to know what criteria we use to close cases to Case Management. Let us know and we will mail this to you.

Right to know about alternative approaches. Should you and/or your representative have a limitation that may affect your full participation in the care plan, the Medical Case Manager will make every effort to reduce the difficulty. Such options include using a language interpreter, obtaining the assistance of someone you authorize, etc.

Right to know about end of life and advanced care directives. If you request such information, your Medical Case Manager will advise you on where to obtain the necessary forms and guidance as is valid in the state of Ohio.

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