3740 Carnegie Ave., Ste B200, Cleveland, OH 44115 | 1-888-644-6266 OR 216-426-0646


Preferred Providers

MinuteMen OhioComp partners with a provider network (Procura) and individual providers who offer discounts from 10% to over 45% on services and deliver a broad range of medical, diagnostic, and therapeutic services.

Procura Network:

Concentra: www.concentra.com

Network Radiology: www.networkradiology.com

Advantage Diagnostics: www.advantagemri.us.com

WellNow Urgent Care: www.wellnow.com

Maxim Healthcare Sevices: www.maximhealthcare.com

Legacy Visiting Health Services: www.healthcare4ppl.com/...

First Choice Home Care: firstchoiceohio.com

North Olmsted & Lakewood Urgent Care: www.lakewoodurgentcare.org

Southwest General Therapy Services: www.swgeneral.com/locations

Revive Physical Therapy: www.reviveptohio.com

SCT Medical Clinics: www.sctmed.com

Athletico Physical Therapy: www.athletico.com/regions/ohio/


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MINUTEMEN HUMAN RESOURCE SYSTEM: A family of related companies providing corporate risk management and human-resource services © MINUTEMEN HUMAN RESOURCE SYSTEM, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED